How Healthy Are Our Watersheds? Ways to Protect Our Watersheds Stream Buffers Upper Thornton River Watershed Study
RappFLOW is a member of the Orion Grassroots Network
Avon Hall Pond Project(most recent documents or articles first) July 15, 2015 - Sam Quinn, field biologist from the Farm at Sunnyside, explains the native plant species growing in the pond buffer meadow on a field walk. Donna Marquisee and Janet Davis taught about the native plants in the wetlands. Photo credit: Forrest Marquisee.
Field Walk of Native Plants Buffer
With Field Biologist Sam Quinn from the Farm at Sunnyside; Donna Marquisee and Janet S. Davis, Native Plant Gardeners; Marc Malik, Landscape Architect Learn why, when and how to make your pond healthier and more beautiful. ************* Invitation! Come and see how the buffer grasses and flowers are doing so far this spring! On Saturday June 20, 2015, from 5 to 7 pm, RappFLOW volunteers will lead walking tours of the buffer area of the Avon Hall pond, in association with the Old Rag Master Naturalists and the CCLC party at Avon Hall. Photos at Avon Hall, Spring 2015 "Pond News is Good News" - Rappahannock News article about Avon Hall presentation in October 2014 Avon Hall Pond Watershed and Habitat Project Status Report September 2014; Presented to Town Council by RappFLOW (PDF)
Soil test reports from Virginia Tech Soil Testing Lab
Summary of Plantings 2013 - 2014 (latest 7/24/14) People and Pollinators Enjoy Town Habitats (June 2014) Plan of Work April - September 2014 2014 Proposal to Virginia Trees for Clean Water Washington nature trail takes shape Avon Hall Pond Project Brochure, March 2014 Student Interns Participate in Project
Combined Avon Hall Pond Plan 2013 (PDF) Town Pond Project Meeting with CSWCD Jan. 22, 2013 Plan for Avon Hall pond watershed improvement -- field session Dec. 17, 2012, with Lou Verner (PDF)
Recommendations for Enhancing Avon Hall Pond (2008) From BJ Valentine, USGS (posted 3/30/2013) Here is a report generated from the online NRCS web soil survey website that outlines the soils mapped around Avon Hall. Included in the report is an estimation of acreage, which just calculates the area of every map unit in a giving area of interest. Just a note that soil surveys should not be used for small site-specific purposes, but the soil scientist who completed Rappahannock's survey did a very detailed job. The survey shows two map units in and around Avon Hall that are very promising if you want to grow wetland vegetation. Worsham is considered a hydric soil, which means it is capable of supporting hydrophytic vegetation, and the map unit Meadowville under the right conditions (i.e. poor soil structure, landscape position) could have a watertable within 20 inches of the surface (See Hydric Soil Section of report). And with the pond holding water fairly well I would say all in all you have good conditions to support the proposed buffer. This is probably more information than you would like but it might help in the future. If you have further soil questions just let me know.