Avon Hall Project
Planted 7-24-2014 in Wetland areas of pond buffer
3 hrs site prep by Hill House Nursery
--weed eating around all shrub on the buffer
--preparing south-east planting area by low-cutting with weed eater
Twelve Volunteers
planted in the wetland drainage nearest the big oak
36 fox sedge carex vulpinodea
15 wild beebalm monarda fistulosa
16 eastern beebalm monarda bradburiana
57 red cardinal flower lobelia cardinalis
32 gayfeather liatris spicata
32 culvers root veronicastrum virginicum
9 rose mallow hibiscus moscheutos
8 new york aster aster novi-belgii
4 green head coneflower rudbeckia lacinata
planted in the southeast corner
24 blue cardinal flower lobelia siphlilitica
18 wild ageratum eupatorium coelestinum
7 broadleaf ironweed vernonia glauca
18 white obedient plant phystostegia virginiana
18 swamp milkweed eupatorium dubium
Planted June 6, 2014
100 pickerelweed Pontederia cordata
Avon Hall Meadow was seeded May 28, 2014.
% of Mix |
Common Name |
type |
10 |
Beaked Panicgrass |
grass |
2 |
Bigtop Lovegrass |
grass |
10 |
Canada Wildrye |
grass |
5 |
Indian Grass |
grass |
27 |
Little Bluestem |
grass |
5 |
Redtop Panicgrass |
grass |
10 |
Virginia Wildrye |
grass |
1 |
Appalachian Beardtongue |
forb |
0.5 |
Aromatic Aster |
forb |
0.3 |
Bigleaf Mountain Mint |
forb |
2 |
Black Eyed Susan |
forb |
0.5 |
Blue Lobelia |
forb |
1.5 |
Blue Vervain |
forb |
0.5 |
Brown Eyed Susan |
forb |
0.5 |
Butterfly Milkweed |
forb |
1 |
Common Milkweed |
forb |
0.5 |
Early Goldenrod |
forb |
1 |
Grassleaf Blazing Star |
forb |
2 |
Lance Leaved Coreopsis |
forb |
0.5 |
Licorice Scented Goldenrod |
forb |
0.5 |
New York Ironweed |
forb |
1 |
Ohio Spiderwort |
forb |
1 |
Ox-Eye Sunflower |
forb |
5 |
Partridge Pea |
forb |
0.5 |
Plains Coreopsis |
forb |
4 |
Purple Coneflower |
forb |
0.5 |
Showy ticktrefoil |
forb |
1 |
Slender Bushclover |
forb |
1 |
Smooth Aster |
forb |
1.5 |
Spiked Gayfeather |
forb |
1 |
Swamp Milkweed |
forb |
1 |
Tall White Beardtongue |
forb |
0.2 |
Wild Bergamot |
forb |
0.5 |
Wild Indigo |
forb |
0.5 |
Wild Senna |
forb |
1 |
Zig Zag Spiderwort |
forb |
Planted May 8, 2014 / May 10, 2014 / May 15, 2014
6 Red osier dogwood Cornus sericea
5 Winterberry Ilex verticillata
12 Virginia sweetspire Itea virginica
3 River birch Betula nigra
9 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum
11 Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis
50 buttonbush whips Cephalanthus occidentalis
50 redosier dogwood whips Cornus sericea
50 silky dogwood whips Cornus amomum
Planted November 7, 2013
10 ilex verticillata
Planted September 28, 2013
Liatris pycnostachya- gayfeather
Monarda citriodora- lemon beebalm
Eupatorium coelestrium- wild ageratum
Eupatorium dubium- joe-pye weed
Helianthus angustifolius- swamp sunflower
Helenium autumnale- sneezeweed
Physostegia virginiana- obedient plant
Chelone lynoii- turtlehead
Carex luridia
Carex muskingumensis
Carex pullescens
Carex comosa
Carex vulpinoidea
Lobelia cardinalis- cardinal flower
Iris virginiana
Aster laevis- smooth aster
Aste lateriflorus- calico aster
Pycantheum muticum- mountain mint
Schizachyrium scoparium- little bluestem
Vernonia lettermamanii- threadleaf ironweed
Pontederia cordata- pickerelweed
Sorganstrum nutans- Indian grass
Panicum virgatum- switch grass
Solidago sempervirens- seaside goldenrod
Solidago ohioensis- ohio goldenrod
Solidago nemoralis- gray goldenrod
Solidago rugosa- rough stem goldenrod
Solidago riddellii