Rappahannock Friends and Lovers of Our Watershed

2007 Stream Buffers Program

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Riparian Buffer Plant List for Rappahannock County

Prepared by Jack Price, VCE Master Gardener
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A.  TREES (> 50 feet tall)





Red Maple Acer rubrum 75' to 100' sun to part shade
River Birch Betula nigra 50' to 75' part to full shade
Sweet Birch Betula lenta 75' to 100' sun to part shade
Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 50' to 75' sun
Tuliptree Liriodendron tulipifera 75' to 100' sun
Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 50' to 75' sun to part shade
American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis 75' to 100' sun to part shade
Pin Oak Quercus palustris 50' to 75' sun to part shade
Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra 75' to 100' sun to part shade
Willow Oak Quercus phellos 75' to 100' sun
Black Willow Salix nigra 50' to 75' sun
Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis 75' to 100' sun
Red Mulberry  Morus rubra 50' to 75' sun to part shade
Sweet Gum Liquidambar styraciflua 50' to 75' sun
Basswood Tilia americana 75' to 100' sun
Sassafras Sassafras albidum 50' to 75' sun

B.  TREES (< 50 feet tall)

Pawpaw Asimina triloba 20' to 35' sun to part shade
Shadblow Serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 20' to 30' sun to part shade
Downy Serviceberry Amelanchier arborea 30' to 40' full shade to sun
Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis 20' to 30'  full shade to sun
Witch Hazel Hamamelis virginiana 20' to 35' sun to part shade
American Hornbeam Carpinus caroliniana 30' to 40' full shade to sun
Persimmnon Diospyros virginiana 40' to 50 ' sun
Red Buckeye Aesculus pavia 20' to 30' full shade to sun


American Holly Ilex opaca 30' to 50' sun to part shade
Eastern White Pine Pinus strobus 75' to 100' sun
Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 75' to 100' full shade to sun



Gray Dogwood Cornus racemosa 10' to 15' full shade to sun
Red-osier Dogwood Cornus sericea (stolonifera) 6' to 12' sun
Red Chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia 6' to 12' sun to part shade
Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis 6' to 12' sun
Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata 6' to 12' sun to part shade
Common Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 6' to 12' full shade to sun
Arrowwood Viburnum dendatum 6' to 12' full shade to sun
Spicebush Lindera benzoin 6' to 12' full shade to sun
Highbush Blueberry Vaccinum corymbosum 3' to 10' full shade to sun
Silky (Swamp) Dogwood Cornus amomum 4' to 10' sun to part shade
Virginia Willow (Itea) Itea virginica 3' to 8' sun to part shade
Pinxterbloom Azalea  Rhododendron
2' to 6'  full shade to sun
Fothergilla Fothergilla gardenii 3' to 5' full shade to sun



Wild Columbine Aquilegia canadensis 8" to 24" full shade to sun
Swamp Milkweed Asclepias incamata 2' to 5' full shade to sun
New England Aster Aster novae-angliae 3' to 4' sun
Wild Bleeding Heart Dicentra eximia 8' to 12' part to full shade
Joe-pye-weed Eupatorium fistulosum 5' to 10' sun
Wild Geranium Geranium maculatum 1' to 2' sun
Gayfeather Liatris spicata 2' sun
Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis 30" to 40" sun to part shade
Great Blue Lobelia Lobelia siphilitica 30" sun to full shade
Virginia Bluebell Mertensia virginica 18" full to part shade
Bee Balm Monarda didyma 2' to 4' sun to part shade
Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia fulgida 2' to 3' sun
Goldenrod Solidago rugosa 2' to 7' sun to part shade
New York Ironweed Vemonia noveboracensis Up to 7' sun



Green and gold Chrysogonum virginianum 4" to 12" part to full shade
Woodland phlox Phlox divaricata 6" to 18" part shade
Christmas fern Polystichum acrostichoides Up to 2' part to full shade
Sensitive fern Onoclea sensibillis 18" to 24" part to full shade
Foamflower Tiarella cordifolia 6" part shade



Soft Rush Grass Juncus effusus 2' to 3'  sun to part shade
Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium up to 3' sun
Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardi 3' to 6' sun
Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans 5' to 6' sun
Eastern Gamagrass Tripsacum dactyloides 4' to 8' sun
Switch Grass Panicum virgatum 4' to 7' sun to part shade