How Healthy Are Our Watersheds? Ways to Protect Our Watersheds Stream Buffers Upper Thornton River Watershed Study
RappFLOW is a member of the Orion Grassroots Network
An Overview of RappFLOW’s Pilot Monitoring ProgramApril 2006 RappFLOW’s mission is to preserve, protect, conserve, and restore water resources to Rappahannock County’s watersheds. Critical to this mission is to determine the quality of the surface waters. As part of a pilot study for evaluating the health of Rappahannock County’s watersheds and surface waters, RappFLOW has chosen to focus on the Rush River and its tributaries in 2006. A segment of the Rush River (from river mile 4.23 at the confluence with Big Branch tributary to river mile 8.78 at the confluence of an unnamed tributary) is listed on the Clean Water Act 303d list as not supporting recreational use due to fecal coliform counts exceeding standards. A TMDL is scheduled for 2014 with evaluation starting in 2006. The source of impairment is unknown. In addition to the current bacterial contamination, a permit for a new waste water treatment facility is being considered by the DEQ for the town of Washington. The effluent from the proposed treatment plant would be discharged into the Rush River. The pilot volunteer monitoring program is made up of three components: monthly monitoring of chemical, biological, and physical parameters; semi-annual or quarterly benthic macroinvertebrate sampling; and ongoing stream buffer and health evaluations. Monthly Water Quality Monitoring
Benthic MacroinvertebratesAquatic life needs consistently healthy stream conditions so macroinvertebrates are good indicators of overall stream health, both short and long-term. The benthic macroinvertebrate surveys will be done by teams of 2-3 volunteers who are trained in the SOS (Save Our Streams) monitoring protocols. Each team will be responsible for one site and will complete the survey 2-4 times per year. This can be a great activity for families with older children. Volunteers must go through an in depth training and make a minimum commitment of two years. Riparian Buffer Evaluation/ Stream Observations
Data collected by RappFLOW volunteers will be used for the following purposes: ![]()