Rappahannock Friends and Lovers of Our Watershed

"My Watershed" Section on RappFLOW

To help you in understanding and protecting YOUR watershed, and to help neighbors work together on their local subwatersheds, RappFLOW has created a new section on our web site called “My Watershed.” 

Can you find YOUR watershed there?  Notice that there are several different maps available for each watershed, plus even more for the Upper Thornton, which is our current grant-funded study area.

You can help make “My Watershed” a working tool for your local community.  For each watershed (and subwatershed in the Upper Thornton), you can post information about YOUR activities, interests, observations, news articles.   Send digital pix of your stream; pictures of you and your stream; or statements of concerns and activities, to mail@rappflow.org.  We will add these to the appropriate watershed section of “My Watershed.”

If you want more detailed maps or aerial photos of your watershed area, send email to mail@rappflow.org stating what kind of detail you need for which area.