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Lower Hazel/ Muddy Run/ Indian Run Upper Rappahannock/ Jordan & Subwatersheds Lower Thornton & Subwatersheds Upper Thornton & Subwatersheds
Upper Thornton River SubwatershedsRacer Run-----Original Message----- From: Paul
R. Farmer [mailto:oldradiotime@hotmail.com] Here are my concerns about "my watershed," Racer Run (Upper Covington): Extensive high grade logging in the Klondike (high elevation tributary of Covington, up Wolf Mountain Ln) is causing sediment load in side stream that enters Covington just below the Racer-Keyser confluence. Absentee land investers LLC own large parcel in Klondike and would like to develop but have access problem. Cattle in Racer just North of Pullen Bluff Rd (623) on W side of 622. More cattle in Racer farther upstream I believe. Overgrazing of cattle causing erosion and loading streams with nutrients and coliform bacteria. Trash thrown from autos on 622 finds its way into the Covington. Herbicide use along 622 subject to wash into Covington. No riparian buffers along some portions of the Covington. Permanent resident Canada Geese overpopulating ponds in the watershed. Fouling water with nutrients. Overabundance of Alligator Snapping Turtles in ponds and streams probably has the reptile, amphibian, and acquatic ecosystems out of balance. Overabundance of semi-tame dear in the watershed, reduces browse and adds nutrients. Abandoned vehicles in the watershed; possible oil, gas, acid, etc. leaking into ground and surface waters. Hogs penned within 10 feet of Racer Run. Hog slaughtering on platform built at the very edge of Racer Run, simplifying the disposal of unwanted fluids and parts of the hogs (small, private residence). NW corner of 622 & 623. VDOT heavy use of winter salt gets into roadside streams (Racer, Covington).
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