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Land Cover: USGS National Land Cover 1992-2002

Topography: USGS Digital Elevation Model

DEQ testing stations & Impaired streams: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality 2005

Park boundary: Shenandoah National Park

Roads: Virginia Department of Transportation 2005

Watersheds boundaries: Virginia’s 1995 Hydrologic Unit System

Rivers & Streams: National Hydrology Database 2005

County boundary: Rappahannock County Government 2005

Easements: Virginia Outdoors Foundation 2005

Parcels: Piedmont Research Institute 2002

Upper Thornton Subwatershed Boundaries: Piedmont Research Institute 2005


Click on the map for your watershed, or use the link on the left.

Using the menu at the top will give you maps as indicated and as available. The links below contain information on your watershed.
