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Upper Thornton River
Survey 2006

Survey Results (February 2006)

On Jan. 30th we mailed a two-page questionnaire to residents and landowners in the upper Thornton River watershed. The survey includes 11 questions and takes fewer than 10 minutes to complete. We will use survey results to design and present public programs tailored to landowners’ and residents’ concerns. In the future, we plan to expand the project from the upper Thornton River watershed to the lower Thornton, Rappahannock and Hazel rivers.

Is the survey confidential?
The survey includes 11 questions. It takes fewer than 10 minutes to complete.

What happens with the results?
We will use survey results to design and present public programs tailored to landowner’s and resident‘s concerns.

How can I get more information?
RappFLOW‘s Website is filled with useful information including maps

Thank you for caring about beautiful Rappahannock County!

For more information or to volunteer for RappFLOW:
call (540) 937-2603

Participants in the survey will receive a free aerial photo of their property



Click on the map for your watershed, or use the link on the left.

Using the menu at the top will give you maps as indicated and as available. The links below contain information on your watershed.



Impaired Streams
